Family Life Center

1006 Monroe Avenue
Fort Eustis, VA 23604
(757) 878-2202

"Someone to Walk with You"

Army Chaplain Family Life Centers are staffed by clinically trained Chaplains/pastoral counselors dedicated to help you travel safely through life's challenges. Counseling services are offered in a safe, caring environment to all members of the Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve services and their families, as well as DoD civilians, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, or religion.

The Family Life Center offers counseling for all phases of the individual and family life cycle, including pre- and post-deployment, separation, premarital, marital, divorce recovery, blended family, effective communications, conflict resolution, parenting, anger and stress management, and PTSD/PTSI recovery.

All counseling at the Chaplain Family Life Center is absolutely confidential.